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Stay Here Leave Site10 Financial Milestones to Reach in Your 30s
By the time you reach your 30s you should be accumulating assets for the long run, meaning saving and growing your financial assets through earnings, savings, investment returns, retirement savings, real estate, etc. Aside from accumulating assets for what lies ahead there are a few other financial
How to Bounce Back From Financial Difficulty
The year of 2020 delivered an abundance of unexpected obstacles. These obstacles included a global pandemic, civil unrest, a lot of zoom calls, and no shortage of financial hardship. Maybe you can relate to some of these unexpected scenarios. Maybe, like millions of Americans, you lost your job, or
7 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score
It’s common knowledge that having a good or even great credit score is important, but far fewer people know how to get one, or how to keep and maintain it. We all want a great score but it doesn’t happen by accident and it doesn’t happen overnight. It can take time to establish and build your score
6 Keys For Being Retirement Ready
Time passes fast. If you looked at your savings now, do you think you’ll be ready for retirement? At what age do you want to retire? Do you have a plan to get there? These are some pretty heavy questions, but the more you save and prepare now, the more comfortable your retirement will be. Everyone
6 Tips For Avoiding Credit Card Debt
Growing up, my parents warned me about getting credit cards, saying that I could end up in a lot of debt and ruin my credit. They weren’t entirely wrong; mismanaging your credit cards can have serious financial repercussions and severely impact your credit score. However, using credit cards is a
Member Testimonial
Dover Federal gave me a better rate and helped me saved hundreds of dollars! Thank You Dover Federal Credit Union!